Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de anticipate

to anticipateanticipar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I anticipateyo anticipo
you anticipatetú anticipas
he anticipatesél anticipa
she anticipatesella anticipa
we anticipatenosotros anticipamos
you anticipatevosotros anticipáis
they anticipateellos anticipan
they anticipateellas anticipan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I anticipatedyo anticipé
you anticipatedtú anticipaste
he anticipatedél anticipó
she anticipatedella anticipó
we anticipatednosotros anticipamos
you anticipatedvosotros anticipasteis
they anticipatedellos anticiparon
they anticipatedellas anticiparon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have anticipatedyo he anticipado
you have anticipatedtú has anticipado
he has anticipatedél ha anticipado
she has anticipatedella ha anticipado
we have anticipatednosotros hemos anticipado
you have anticipatedvosotros habéis anticipado
they have anticipatedellos han anticipado
they have anticipatedellas han anticipado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had anticipatedyo había anticipado
you had anticipatedtú habías anticipado
he had anticipatedél había anticipado
she had anticipatedella había anticipado
we had anticipatednosotros habíamos anticipado
you had anticipatedvosotros habíais anticipado
they had anticipatedellos habían anticipado
they had anticipatedellas habían anticipado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will anticipateyo anticiparé
you will anticipatetú anticiparás
he will anticipateél anticipará
she will anticipateella anticipará
we will anticipatenosotros anticiparemos
you will anticipatevosotros anticiparéis
they will anticipateellos anticiparán
they will anticipateellas anticiparán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have anticipatedyo habré anticipado
you will have anticipatedtú habrás anticipado
he will have anticipatedél habrá anticipado
she will have anticipatedella habrá anticipado
we will have anticipatednosotros habremos anticipado
you will have anticipatedvosotros habréis anticipado
they will have anticipatedellos habrán anticipado
they will have anticipatedellas habrán anticipado

I would anticipateyo anticiparía
you would anticipatetú anticiparías
he would anticipateél anticiparía
she would anticipateella anticiparía
we would anticipatenosotros anticiparíamos
you would anticipatevosotros anticiparíais
they would anticipateellos anticiparían
they would anticipateellas anticiparían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have anticipatedyo habría anticipado
you would have anticipatedtú habrías anticipado
he would have anticipatedél habría anticipado
she would have anticipatedella habría anticipado
we would have anticipatednosotros habríamos anticipado
you would have anticipatedvosotros habríais anticipado
they would have anticipatedellos habrían anticipado
they would have anticipatedellas habrían anticipado

Participio presenteAnotado
anticipating anticipando

Participio pasadoAnotado
anticipated anticipado

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